
Helping our community get connected

Our Directory consists of local organisations and groups promoting and advertising their activities and events.

By keeping it simple, residents are able to see what’s happening across the Sevenoaks District all in one place.

Through our network of Community Champions, residents will be better connected and engaged with their community. With a key-focus on hard-to-reach groups; grassroots organisations, community leaders and local volunteers will be celebrated, and their stories shared. We also have a dedicated area to discover Volunteer Opportunities and get involved across the Sevenoaks District.

Residents of Sevenoaks District know their communities best.

The ‘Better Together’ initiative supports residents to plan, develop and deliver their unique projects and ideas. In our toolkit, you can find resources to get started or support your established project. This could be anything from organising a coffee morning, gardening group, or sharing skills. A one off -event or regular activity, the possibilities are endless – so if you have a great idea that will benefit your community or require support for an existing group, please Contact us.

Our focus

  • Individuals
    Empowering residents to identify their needs and support opportunities to benefit & improve their lives.
  • Groups
    Helping to build up and aid new and existing community groups across the Sevenoaks District.
  • Places
    Promoting community infrastructure and assets, encouraging community mobilisation and engagement.
  • Services
    Connecting organisations, supporting collaboration & networking opportunities. Encouraging service users to use their voice to drive positive change, within their communities.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’d like to set up a community group or project in my local area, how can I do this?

You can find a range of helpful resources using our online community toolkit. You can also contact our Community Mobilisation Officer who can provide individual and personalised support to you and support your passion and aspirations. contact@bettertogethercommunity.org.uk

I have some spare time and am keen to share my skills or volunteer within the District, is there a current need and are you able to support me?

Absolutely! There are many unique opportunities to support organisations or volunteer in Sevenoaks. We can help match your skills, passions and experience with local opportunities and introduce you to our partner organisations who specialise in recruiting and matching individuals to volunteer roles.

Where do I find local events / activities that are happening in my area?

Right here on our Community Hub! We have a Map where you can find events and activities that are local and relevant to you. Simply enter your postcode and discover everything from warm spaces, to local singing groups. You can also use our Directory to find a range of services offered by the voluntary sector, including drop in sessions, community venues and local health initiatives.

I help organise and run an existing group in the District and we require additional funding to support a new or ongoing project. Are you able to advise on funding opportunities?

Our Community Mobilisation Fund can help support new / ongoing projects up to £1000 subject to application. Please see funding page for further information. We are also able to advise and signpost you to our partner organisations that can help match your requirements to specific grant as well as support the bid-writing and application process

I am interested in becoming a Community Champion – how do I request more information?

Our Community Champions, are made up of residents, council officers and members of the voluntary sector who help promote the Better Together Community Hub and the online platform. Our Champions can help support and encourage community engagement, networking opportunities and promoting our local heroes. If you are interested in becoming a Community Champion or for more information, please reach out to contact@bettertogethercommunity.org.uk